Κυριακή 2 Νοεμβρίου 2014

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PaidVerts review - what is it and how does it work?

Short introducion about PaidVerts

PaidVerts- the first PC that pays in dollarsPaidVerts is a Paid-To-Click site that was launched in March 31, 2014 by the crowdfunding platform mytrafficvalue. It is a revolutionary new PTC concept that allows users to earn more than on traditional PTCs. The daily earnings here are higher compared to any other PTC sites and as users prove their value they can start earning more and more for their clicks. Thousands of users are earnings 1$+ daily here and the biggest users are earning even up to 1000$/daily, just for viewing advertisements! Because of these high earnings and users clicking on ads that can be 1$+ worth, PaidVerts is also known as »The first PTC that pays in dollars«.

Is PaidVerts a scam?

PaidVerts - stop clicking for cents
Due to the huge ads people say to click on at PaidVerts and generally huge earnings, people's first reaction when the see an advertisement saying »PaidVerts, the first PTC that pays in dollars« is that they immediately think that it a scam. I mean who wouldn't – have you ever seen a PTC that pays dollars just for you to click on an ad and that they actually paid you?
Well, you will be paid after you join PaidVerts. It has been paying reliably for over 6 months now! It was crowdfunded by thousands of individuals just like yourself, who put their minds and money together through a crowdfunding company MyTrafficValue. While the mastermind behind PaidVerts is Jo Cook, the main owner(shareholder) of MyTrafficValue, PaidVerts is literally owned by thousands of people – there is no single admin behind it who can suddenly disappear with all the money and the program goes scam.

Prove your value – how much can you earn at PaidVerts?

Prove your valuePaidVerts' model is based on the Bonus Ad Points(also known as BAP) system – the more BAP you accumulate the more you have proved your value and the more you will be paid to interact with advertisers. Each 1 BAP gives you 0.0005$ of earning potential - get 2000 BAP and you will receive ads worth 1$ in total, get 1000000 BAP and you will receive 500$ worth of ads in total, get 20 000 000 BAP and you will receive 10 000$ worth of ads in total… you get the idea.
You can accumulate BAP for free by clicking on activation ads, starting at 400 BAP daily(0.2$ worth) then this gets reduced to 200 BAP daily(0.1$ worth) after first 100 25 BAP ads clicked. Starting of you will be able to earn 0.05$ cents daily, but keep building up your BAP for a few weeks and you will start entering the BAP groups (starting at 1600 BAP), where users are sent much bigger ads to click on and things get interesting!

How to start earning a lot at PaidVerts?

Get started for free!Now obviously just clicking on the free BAP ads will not get you past the first few groups. So how can you get into the higher groups, where you will start earning 0.5$+ daily at PaidVerts?
You can buy ad packs where each 1$ ad packs gets you quality advertising (50x 30 second visits to your website and 150 banner impressions) and most importantly also gives you 3100 BAP, which means that for every 1$ ad pack you buy you will unlock earning potential of 1.55$! Essentialy for every 1$ you will be sent 1.55$ ads as soon as possible – basically free advertising and you even earn a profit for it!
The great thing is that even free members can build up their BAP by buying an ad pack each time they accumulate 1$ in earnings – don't cashout your first dollar, invest it in growing your BAP. Repeat this for a few weeks, months and you will be earning 0.5$+ daily! I have many referrals who started of for free and are now earning 1$+ daily, so it's definitely worth compounding your earning for a while.

Referring is unlimited at PaidVerts – no silly limits!

No limits on referringIf you're coming from PTCs you will be pleasantly surprised when you see that PaidVerts has no limits on direct referrals! You can refer thousands of friends and earn commissions from their clicks and purchases.

And those commissions are huge:
10% of every ad purchased by your referrals(if they purchase 100$ worth of ads you get 10$ in commissions)
5% of their ad clicks(If they click on a 10$ ad you get 0.5$ in commissions)
You can see how huge these commissions can be by checking out paidverts' top earners list.

PaidVerts model – the reason behind huge earnings

You are definitely wondering how can PaidVerts send out these huge ads and be sustainable? All ads that users receive consume BAP (if you receive a 1$ ad it will consume 2000 BAP, a 1 cent ad will consume 20 BAP), so where does PaidVerts get the money to send enough ads to consume all the BAP users have.

How can PaidVerts pay so much?Firstly, let's take a look at how each 1$ ad pack is used: 

- $0.10 of purchases go to MyTrafficValue portfolio
- $0.10 of purchases go to your upline.
- $0.10 are paid to the user over 10 days, a 1% value ad will be issued each day.
- $0.10 creates 10x1% ads that are issued to "super user upgraded users" at random
- $0.10 are added to the daily ad issue ($0.05 today, $0.05 tomorrow)
- $0.50 is invested at MyTrafficValue to return 2.5x (via the FT250 plan, or buying & selling shares)

$1.55 debt - $0.30 instantly created ads = $1.25
$0.50 invested x 2.5 = $1.25
As you can see the system is perfectly capable of paying for each BAP purchased just via the instanly created ads and the reinvestments in the crowdfunding company MyTrafficValue.
But Where does the BAP for the free BAP ads come from?
Well this is the interesting part – there are several mechanisms that help PaidVerts reduce it's »BAP debt«, and which also allows for the free BAP ads to be handed out to every single user.

Currently these mechanisms help reduce the PaidVerts' BAP debt

  • ad recycling (each ad not clicked on within 18 hours, gets sent to another user and this can happen up to 24x times. So each ad is basically capable of clearing 24x times of it's worth in debt!) On average the recycling usually clears 5-10% of overall debt
  • BAP tax – every user has to pay a BAX tax of 100 BAP daily
  • BAP games – users can play various casino/skill games where PaidVerts has the house edge, and this clears thousands of dollars worth of debt each day from the system
  • Cheap traffic and target ads also help clear BAP as the advertisers do not get any BAP for them, yet these ads still consume BAP from users
These debt clearing mechansims in fact allow PaidVerts to have more money available than there needs to be! This allows for more frequent and bigger ad issues – which means faster and bigger returns for all users.

PaidVerts transparency

Transparency at PaidVertsUnlike all the other online programs out there, where admins want to hide as much as possible from the public, PaidVerts is compeltely unique in this aspect. Every ad click, every purchase, every withdrawal… basically everything that happens can be tracked by any user! PaidVerts has picked this up from it's crowdfunding company MyTrafficValue where transparency is the heart of the business model.
You don't have to worry about admins hiding aynthing from you here, all the info to prove the sustainability of the PaidVerts model is publicly available!

Evolution of PaidVerts

PaidVerts is an ever-adapting business model always looking for new ways to improve the system and give the users more for their valuable time and at the same time giving the advertisers best quality traffic possible
Evolution of PaidVertsThe next big project to make PaidVerts even more appealing to advertisers is the targeted ads system. Here advertisers will be able to target users by dozens of filter. Not just your standard country, age, sex, etc. filters but also filters that are far more valuable than those, such as:
  • amount a user has invested/purchased ads with
  • payment processors a user uses
  • gaming volume and what games the user has played
  • BAP and traffic value
All those will allow advertisers to target users far better than AdSense or any of the big advertising services out there. And with this kind of targeting advertisers will actually be willing to pay several dollars just for the valuable people to interact with them! So the more you participate, invest the more likely you'll be to receive additonal paid ads ;)
And don't forget that ANYONE can make a difference here. Do you have any good ideas how PaidVerts can be improved – present it on the MyTrafficValue forum and it won't go overlooked! That is the beauty here, anyone can be a part of the PaidVerts team ;)

PaidVerts is the place to be!

I tried to cover the most important things about PaidVerts, but there are so many other features/details about it that I simply can not put it all in one post. So to keep it short it is truly an amazing program that's gaining on popularity every day. It will most likely outgrow even the biggest of PTCs in the following year, NeoBux. So get started for free today and start earning more than on any other PTC or purchase advertising to climb the BAP groups and start getting ads that pay in dollars - You won't regret it!

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